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Clipboard History in Windows 10 or 11 and in Visual Studio and Visual Code



Clipboard history is a useful feature available in both Windows 10/11 and many popular text editors such as Visual Studio and Visual Code. Here’s how to use it:

Windows 10/11 Clipboard History:


  1. To turn on Clipboard History, go to Settings > System > Clipboard, and toggle on “Clipboard history.”
  2. To access your Clipboard History, press Windows key + V. This will bring up a list of the most recent items you’ve copied to the clipboard.
  3. To paste an item from the Clipboard History, simply click on it. You can also pin items to the top of the list by clicking the “…” icon and selecting “Pin.”
  4. To clear your Clipboard History, click the “Clear” button at the top of the Clipboard History window.

Visual Studio Clipboard History:

Clipboard history visual studio


  1. To access Clipboard History in Visual Studio, press Ctrl + Shift + V. This will bring up a list of the most recent items you’ve copied to the clipboard.
  2. To paste an item from the Clipboard History, select it and press Enter.
  3. To clear your Clipboard History in Visual Studio, go to Tools > Options > Environment > General, and click the “Clear All” button under the “Clipboard Ring” section.

Visual Code Clipboard History:

  1. To access Clipboard History in Visual Code, press Ctrl + Shift + V. This will bring up a list of the most recent items you’ve copied to the clipboard.
  2. To paste an item from the Clipboard History, select it and press Enter.
  3. To clear your Clipboard History in Visual Code, go to File > Preferences > Settings, and search for “clipboard history.” Under the “Editor: Clipboard History Max Entries” option, set the value to 0 to clear your history.